Monday, March 12, 2007

Passion = love for material

Ha. A blog. :o)

It's high time I got one of these things-- I've been itching to have an outlet lately.
Passion is love for material.
- Black Eyed Peas & Jack Johnson, Gone Going

Isn't it funny how passion, one of the most powerful and strong emotions of the human being suddenly became linked to love for materialism? How can passion, something so pure and deep be related to something as simple as inanimate physical matter?

The one thing that has been on my mind lately is HIV/AIDs. Not exactly what you might be thinking, but lately, all kinds of things are popping up to help spread awareness of this 'thing' which has been especially ravaging the continent of Africa.

I, too, am guilty of owning such an article:

I have this one the 'HEAR' ALDO-YouthAIDS tag, particularly because music-- hearing-- is important to me. It's only USD$5 for one. There are other ones with speak & see, as well. Most people don't realize how wearing a piece of jewelery can spark other peoples' curiosity. In ways, things like these tags (the RED Campaign, &tc.) stop ignorance to sensitive, yet often, under-the-radar topics such as HIV/AIDs in Africa.

Please don't take it as a scam, or think that you can't make a difference, because collectively, I know that ALDO-YouthAIDS has collected almost USD$3 million, all from collecting 100% of the profits from their products.

Think about it: how common is it for most of us to go through life without thinking about other people? A lot of us go through life only valuing the material things and never realizing what we have. What we have is something that is priceless in another country.

Think about it. You are in possession of something which is priceless. It's in your hands. What're you going to do with it?

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