Thursday, March 29, 2007

If it wasn't the oceans

wasn't the breezes,
wasn't the white sands,
I might not be needed...

...oh you, it's always you,
it's always you.
- Sophie Delmani, Always You

Today, I realized that in life, there's always going to be something that you'll go back to. Something that you've made such a strong connection with that it would make no sense not to go back. It's almost like if you met someone, and you liked them so much that you tied yourself to them with rope. After a while, you start to wander, but when you wander too far off, your rope jerks you back. Then you realize that there's a reason that you've embarassed and ridiculed yourself with this rope-- you obviously want to always have this thing with you, especially when needed.

I'm sure theres a lot of confused people scratching their heads at this instant. You're probably questioning yourself as to why you're at this darn blog, anyways. Here's an analogy that might make more sense to you: have you ever had that one piece of clothing that has stuck by you, through thick and thin, through horrific fashion eras and good ones?

The line of clothing that perfectly represents this go-to piece of clothing is C&C California. Looking through their items, you'd be surprised at how many ways they've managed to re-create a simple shirt, tank, dress, or knit for any occasion. Not only do they have a number of styles, silhouettes, and cuts, but most of their pieces come in a spectrum of colors, so if you find a favorite, you can have it in literally any color you please.

However, with prices ranging from $20-180+, you can't quite go crazy with these basics. It's well worth the investment, though. I assure you that a C&C California piece of clothing will be the thing that you tie yourself to with a rope. ;)

Monday, March 26, 2007

But if you wanna show, just let me know, And I'll sing in your ear again...

Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again...
- The Verve, The Drugs Don't Work

My particular reasoning for this title for today's blog is a little ominous, but I'm sure many of you out there will agree that it applies to many of you out there. Depressing, but true fact.

Long story short, how is one to convince their friend that using at a bright and early age (or at any age, for that matter) is not an intelligent decision? =/

Oh well, on to other matters.

Upkeeping a blog is much more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm just plain lazy. And to make matters worse, school is out. Heh.

So, today's blog will be about something that I've long been passionate about. It may not be exactly fashion-forward, but Threadless T-Shirts has, for quite some time, left me in awe with their cunning and eye-catching designs. In fact, just last week, the arrival of my very own first few long-awaited Threadless shirts had me jumping around in my house in pure glee.

[Shown is Tom Burns' design, appropriately named The Communist Party.]

These t-shirts are not your typical poorly-printed-overly-used-joke t-shirts. They, unlike their competition select only a few of the hundreds of designs submitted by serious graphic designers. The creativity, simplicity and originality of these shirts will leave you stumped, I swear.

All in all, I ♥ Threadless T-Shirts. Go see them now! =D

Monday, March 12, 2007

Passion = love for material

Ha. A blog. :o)

It's high time I got one of these things-- I've been itching to have an outlet lately.
Passion is love for material.
- Black Eyed Peas & Jack Johnson, Gone Going

Isn't it funny how passion, one of the most powerful and strong emotions of the human being suddenly became linked to love for materialism? How can passion, something so pure and deep be related to something as simple as inanimate physical matter?

The one thing that has been on my mind lately is HIV/AIDs. Not exactly what you might be thinking, but lately, all kinds of things are popping up to help spread awareness of this 'thing' which has been especially ravaging the continent of Africa.

I, too, am guilty of owning such an article:

I have this one the 'HEAR' ALDO-YouthAIDS tag, particularly because music-- hearing-- is important to me. It's only USD$5 for one. There are other ones with speak & see, as well. Most people don't realize how wearing a piece of jewelery can spark other peoples' curiosity. In ways, things like these tags (the RED Campaign, &tc.) stop ignorance to sensitive, yet often, under-the-radar topics such as HIV/AIDs in Africa.

Please don't take it as a scam, or think that you can't make a difference, because collectively, I know that ALDO-YouthAIDS has collected almost USD$3 million, all from collecting 100% of the profits from their products.

Think about it: how common is it for most of us to go through life without thinking about other people? A lot of us go through life only valuing the material things and never realizing what we have. What we have is something that is priceless in another country.

Think about it. You are in possession of something which is priceless. It's in your hands. What're you going to do with it?